Simple ways to practice memory for students
Getting a student to draw pictures from memory when he or she is struggling to keep a notebook is no easy task. What to say about poems by heart when homework begins only on the eve of the test week! No, all these methods are more suitable for conscious students, but not for modern slackers, for whom the study at university is more a game called "I don't believe it".
But in any case, it is necessary to train your memory, and there are many simple ways for this:
First method
Each time on the way to college recommend to lay out for yourself a completely new route, which after the end of pairings and return home. If you remember the way there in the morning, and in the evening to reproduce without mistakes way back, you can safely assume that memory problems have been finally solved.
The second method
Today on the Internet there are a sufficient number of online games for concentration, which allow you not only to train your memory, but also to think logically, imagination and willpower.
For example, in the well-known game "Cat Tom" there is a mini - game called "Memory", which is just a way to train your memory and the ability to focus.
The third way
If you find yourself in unfamiliar company, where you all get acquainted, then the main memory training will be memorizing all the new names. When people disperse, you need to look at each new acquaintance and remember his name.
For a more extreme experience, it wouldn't hurt to go up to him and address him in person, testing his memory abilities. A couple of uncomfortable situations with mistakes, and memory reserves will be restored very quickly.
Method four
A good memory training becomes the reproduction of synonyms or antonyms. It is required to choose one word, and then pick up to it the maximum number of approximate in meaning and fundamentally opposite meanings.
Here it is best to speak out loud, as this way the memory is much better to work and remember.
Method five
Take out a deck of cards and lay out of it five cards face up. Remember well all the images and their sequence, and then turn the pictures down.
Then say the name of the card and check yourself. The more pictures you guess, the better the student's memory score. Gradually it is possible to complicate the task and get out of the deck not 5, but 7 or 9 cards (depending on your abilities).
Official methods of memory training
Aivazovsky method. It requires five minutes of free time, which should be devoted to the careful study of this or that subject. It is required to consider it in the smallest detail, and then close your eyes and in the same way to display in your mind using all the moments, nuances and details.
If the student additionally possesses artistic abilities, it is best to transfer the prepared picture to paper, so that he can then carefully compare it with the original and perform in his mind the so-called "work on mistakes".
This scientific method perfectly trains your visual memory, and you can repeat this exercise several times a day (the more often the better). Schulte tables work in a similar way, but a student does not have to go into such thickets.
Read-aloud method. Sometimes students have less developed auditory memory, which creates certain difficulties in lectures when taking down important notes. If the student understands the presence of the problem, he should engage in training this particular type of memory. This requires reading more aloud and then retelling the information to oneself.
Poems that are desirable to learn by heart each time work in a similar way. If you devote a few minutes a day to such simple exercises, then at the end of this period the progress will be obvious.
Why does every student need a good memory?
In fact, all these ways of memory training are available to every student only if his existence and studies are not dominated by Mother Laziness. If the goal is set, then in a couple of days the problem will be finally solved, and complexes about his "maiden memory" will immediately recede into the background.
Each student must understand that memory is an important crib, which will help in the most difficult moments. Also do not forget about the favorite proverb of all students in the university slackers: "I did not know, but I remember.
And in order to remember the right information at the right time, just need to carefully train your memory and greatly expand its potential. So why not try these simple but really effective ways?
Conclusion: The purpose of my article was to make each student aware of how important memory is for learning and how great is its potential.
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